About My Paintings
What inspires me?
I am particularly attracted to complex groups or plants that demonstrate the organic rhythms in nature and I remain fascinated by intricate patterns created by the diverse ways that plants can so often layer and twist around each other. I also find decomposing composite flowers such as Thistles and Cardoons of special interest as subjects.
I am equally inspired by magnificence of scale and the vibrancy of colours and frequently get excited by subjects with a genuine wow factor. In all honesty any of the above can inspire me to pick up my paintbrush!
How do I work?
I mostly work in my studio but on fine days the doors will be flung wide open, or I can often be seen painting in my garden. There is something very tranquil about being surrounded by nature and enjoying the privilege of sharing the space with butterflies, insects and birds who unwittingly accept my presence in their domain.